[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/248194914″][vc_column_text]Only with the help of a group of passionate divers it was possible to bring the wreck of KARWELA back ALIVE.
We would like to thank one more time Gozo Technical Diving for logistics & support. And of course all divers, who came and took part of it:
Tom Steiner & Audrey Cudel, Adel Georg Halak from Gozo Technical Diving, Måns J Olsson, Art Gardiner, Andrew Zammit, Zdenka & Mathias Krenn, Maik Winter, Marcel Pottin, Kay Schulz, Heike Riek & Daniel Watter, Andreas Brustmann & Bianca Lasslberger, Richard & Manuela Oberwinkler, Max Fahr, Tomasz Jezewski, Waldemar von Steiner & Magdalena Rajkowska, Jagoda Ratuszna & Maciej Kobiałka, Marcin Jarosz, Grzegorz Dec, Łukasz Adamczak, Grzegorz Świątnicki, Michał Kaciczak, Wojtek Kociemba, Ute Welcker & HP :)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]