Fathom Dive Systems

FATHOM Dive Systems is a design and manufacturing company that focuses on life-support equipment for underwater exploration. FATHOM is the brainchild of Charlie Roberson, a cave diver and active explorer, who initially set out to produce equipment for his own exploration.

As his dives became increasingly deeper and longer duration, Charlie, along with his Karst Underwater Research (KUR) teammates, recognized the need for a closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) with excellent work-of-breathing and long scrubber duration that would stand up to the rigors of cave exploration.


Shearwater Research designs and manufactures computers for all types of divers demanding more from themselves and their diving experience. Whether you’re an air, nitrox, multi gas trimix or closed circuit rebreather diver, Shearwater offers products which are powerful, simple and reliable.


Emergency Cutting Tools

The forefront of Emergency Cutting Tool (E.C.T.) dynamics and design, the EEZYCUT TRILOBITE was developed for divers, mariners, mountaineers, extreme sports adventurers and rescue service providers who demand a tool that delivers a swift, safe, efficient cut.


Divesoft is dedicated to providing customers with superior quality specialized diving equipment. We are committed to continuous research and development to ensure our products are of the highest standards to meet the specific requirements of our customers. All of our products are manufactured, assembled and tested by us at our state-of-the-art factory in the Czech Republic.

Follow us on our YouTube channel here.

Double K

DoubleK is the expert for Wetsuit and Drysuits and partnering up with Razor Go Side Mount on various products.
Stay warm with style and quality!

RAZOR Go Side Mount

Razor Go Side Mount is the inventor of modern Side Mount Diving. The Razor Side Mount System is the first modern Side Mount System and probably the most tired to copy one. All Razor products are designed and produced by the demand of the dive enviroments dived in.


It’s more than fifteen years since Miflex 2 launched its Miflex Xtreme diving hoses series.

It was the first real innovation on the scuba hoses field and Miflex patented this solution carrying the experience gained in the manufacturing of industrial hoses, into a field that since a long time did not see new ideas.

The features that made our hoses very appreciated by the market, are the lightness and the flexibility, which offer the scuba diver the possibility to have a connection tank-regulator that allows to move freely with the regulator in their mouth, eliminating the so called jaw fatigue.